So what does the Simple Solution Mean?
I decide I want to lose weight, get rid of my bloating, gas, and other digestive issues, look and feel great once and for all and wham, all done. Nope. It didn't take a day to get where your at and it won't take a day to get out! What's Simple is what you should be eating to feel great. Let's face it, we need this body to get us to where we are going. You have plans, dreams, vacations, adventures to go on. A run-down, over-weight, dog tired, stress-out body is not going to take you there. No way, no how. Nutritional info these days seems just way to complex to decipher. The more confusing and conflicting the information gets the more you can say hey, all in moderation, who cares, when my numbers up I's outta here..... Eating healthy, looking great, having a body that is fit enough to allow you to live your life is simple. The hard part it deciding that your ready to do something about it. You need to be aware that with each passing day you are limiting your time of joy! I know I want a whole lot of that.... So if you have a health issue, weight issue, digestive issue, feel like crap and can't get out of bed then we need to talk. The hard part is deciding that you care enough about yourself to make those changes..... The rest is Simple!!!
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I have a great memory. When it comes to a "to do" list or "to buy" list I can pretty much wing it! Pretty much! I am not going to lie here, I have gotten into the car after a marathon shop, waiting in line and checking out and found....I forgot the asparagus and I was making asparagus soup for dinner. Hello! Bad language is followed by getting back out of the car and going back into the store. Grrrr! Who has got the time for such nonsense? What a waste of time, not to mention a waste of money as I always find a few more yummy thing I just have to have! So I make a list. Actually I have a list of all the common ingredients I use in my meal preparation, on my ipad and my computer. As I am creating the menus for the week, I check off the stuff that I need to get. Easy! It also helps with a impromptu inventory of what I already have. No more, "yes dear I bought more avocados and we have 4 rotting in the fridge, ouch." They say that for every minute you spend in a grocery store over 30 minutes, you will spend at least $1 per minute. Get out fast! Wonder why they rearrange the store so frequently? It keep you running around in circles looking for the food on your list but passing all kinds of alluring treats. Marion Nestle has written a great book titled " What to Eat" that has a whole section on the psychology used by food stores to get us to buy more food. They are just so tricky. Really interesting and lets you see through the "matrix"! So do a little list building of your own. Once you have the basics down you can add new stuff as you start to add to your diet. Having a list will help you to speed through through the store, save you from buying impulse items, have the food to create complete healthy meals and avoid the need to grab something yucky because there isn't anything in the house to eat. Let me know how you do. Check the first in a regular series of Friday Food Tips to help you pick out healthy food when you go grocery shopping!
Enjoy Click the link below! Friday Food Tip I love my kids as much as the next mother.
They were wonderful guys, but..... My oldest son was way to much like me, I mean way to much.... Every morning for years, he's ask me what was for dinner. Yeah I had menus and probably could have answered intelligently if I had wanted to but come on it's 6:30 in the morning, who cares? He did! Way to much of a planner! 8-) So what are you having for dinner? You're busy, you'll think about it later, maybe pick something up on the way home. Fast forward through your day and now it is 7pm and you are sitting down to Chinese take-out or sandwiches from the local deli. Sure is easy but how is that food serving you? High in salt, preservatives, sugar, processed foods, fats and oh those chemicals. You know you should eat better, you want to eat better for you and the family, but who has the time? Initially menu planning can take a bit of time but once you have a method in place it is super easy. Start by taking an inventory of your schedule for a typical week. Now you have the parameters of the amount of time you can spend on meal prep. Next take an inventory of your family's/your food preferences. Come up with staple meals that you can make fast or ahead of time for those nights were prep time is non-existent. Fill in with recipes that you want to try on those night when you have more time. We will be talking "list creation" next time. |
AuthorI am a digestive health coach. I help my clients have more energy and a eliminate digestive problems by eating food they love! Archives
September 2013