I'm sure you've heard of it but do you know what it really is and how it can affect your health?
Candida is becoming a major disease and an underlying factor in many other diseases. Candida yeast is a type of fungus, that is not beneficial to your body. It exists everywhere and we come in contact with it throughout our day in what we touch, eat and breath. It is not a problem unless you experience an over-growth, then it interferes with the balance of the body. This over-growth then leads to all kinds of health concerns. Many think that this only affects women but not true. Men, women and children are affected alike. As many as 90% suffer from this flora in-balance. This imbalance can be seen in tons of common health issues like: allergies, asthma, bloating, coughs, cramps, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, trouble concentrating, diarrhea, constipation, acne, hives, poor memory, sinus issues, poor sleeping patterns, puffiness, sore throat and weight-gain. This list is just a small percentage of how we are affected by Candida. Most Candida issues can be remedied in about 2 months, unless there is another underlying issue. If you suspect that you have a Candida issue do your research or hire someone to help you change your diet and lifestyle. One of the biggest issues is the consumption of sugar and processed white flour products. This type of diet feeds the Candida which makes the whole situation worse. Candida yeast will actually send off chemicals that will create cravings for the sweet sugary foods that it needs to thrive. A Candida reducing diet will include eliminating sugar and processed foods, reducing the consumption of raw fruit and consuming probiotics, beneficial herbs and fiber. So take back your health and eliminate Candida in your digestive tract. Creating a healthy flora balance in your body is the key to good health. You Deserve to be Healthy!
Cancer patients face a myriad of difficulties that range from large, such as undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, to small, such as the fact that food often tastes different during and even after cancer treatment. However, even smaller issues can take on greater importance, as an OncoLog article points out that cancer patients who lose just 5 percent or more in body weight may have a harder time tolerating chemotherapy and have higher mortality rates.
Nutrition Issues Cancer patients often experience symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, sore mouth and/or throat and dry mouth during treatment. In addition, the emotional effects of having cancer and the stress of having to deal with treatment and fears and anxiety that are associated with cancer can cause patients to lose their appetite or have regular nausea or vomiting. Because of these issues, many cancer patients need a specific nutrition plan to help them maintain a healthy weight and nutrition level despite not feeling well or hungry. Nutrition Plan If you or your loved one has a cancer diagnosis, such as having been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is a good idea to design a nutrition meal plan for before, during and after treatment. Many patients do not have the energy to go to the store or make meals during treatment or when they do not feel well, so loved ones may want to go for them or cancer patients may want to go to the store and prepare some meals on days when they feel better to have items on hand later on. Examples of some nutritious, healthy food that should appeal to cancer patients and be gentle on their bodies include the following: - Clear broth soups with pasta, such as noodles or stars - Fruit juice, milk, tea, water, electrolyte-rebalancing sports drinks - Avocados - Mild cheeses, such as American, cream cheese, or cottage cheese - Scrambled eggs - Baked chicken - Pasta - Whole wheat bread for turkey sandwiches or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and peanut butter toast - Mashed potatoes - Crackers - Well-steamed vegetables that are tender and soft - Rice - Tortillas - Enriched cereals, both hot and cold - Bananas - Applesauce - Fruit sherbet - Greek yogurt - Canned fruit - Corn (off the cob) - Protein snack bars - Tuna fish sandwiches - Fruit and yogurt smoothies - Pita bread and hummus If you are looking for ways to add protein to the diet, considering making tuna or turkey melts with cheese and add grated cheese to soup, mashed potatoes, rice or pasta. Also, try making yogurt drinks and smoothies with some protein powder mixed in. Adding calories to someone with an upset stomach or poor appetite can be difficult, so appeal to the specific cravings of the cancer patient and add calories to meals and treats. For example, offer granola, which is high in fat and calories, for breakfast or add to yogurt for a snack. Try dried fruit as a snack or a treat. Get Help Speak with your doctor for additional nutritional tips and to find out what areas of the meal plan needs additional focus, such as adding protein or calories. Remember that a healthy, nutritious diet will help the patient feel better with more energy and experience an improved quality of life. Spending the time and energy to create a workable meal plan is always worthwhile. About Jillian McKee Bringing a wealth of personal and professional experience to the organization, Jillian McKee has worked as the Complementary Medicine Advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance since June of 2009. Jillian spends most her time on outreach efforts and spreading information about the integration of complementary and alternative medicine when used in conjunction with traditional cancer treatment. Read more: http://www.mesothelioma.com/blog/authors/jillian/ Pancakes
3 oz oyster mushrooms 1 cup finely diced Bok Choy stalks 1 sweet red pepper, diced finely 1/2 cup onion chopped 3 T vegetable oil 4 large eggs 1 T dry sherry or dry vermouth Sauce 1 cup chicken broth 1 T each soy sauce and chili sauce hot red pepper sauce to taste 1 T cornstarch Combine all the sauce ingredients in a saucepan, except 1/2 c chicken broth and cornstarch. Heat. Mix cornstarch and 1/2 cup broth and add to sauce pan and heat and stir until thickened. Place oil in a saute pan and saute the veggies until soft. Remove from heat. Place eggs in a bowl and add sherry or vermouth. Mix but do not beat. Add cooled vegetables. Heat 1 T of oil in a pan, when hot, ladle egg/veggie mixture into pancake sized rounds and cook on medium heat. Turn and cook until brown on both sides. Plate and dress with sauce. Enjoy! Check out my Friday Fast Food Tips video: http://ow.ly/bU2xz Spring is the time for all those cleansing veggies. After a long winter of heavy warming foods our bodies welcome the spring vegetables and their ability to lighten us up for the hot summer months to come. One of my favorite vegetables is Asparagus. This spring power-house is not only full of folic acid but is a super digestive support food. Folic acid is one of the B vitamins that helps the body produce and maintain new cells. In particular, red blood cell formation is dependent on adequate levels of this vitamin. It may also help cells resist changes in their DNA associated with the development of cancer. Folic acid plays a very important role in pregnancy by significantly reducing the incidence of birth defects known as neural tube defects (malformations of the spine and brain). Asparagus is also high in fiber and protein. Fiber helps everything move on through the system at a healthy rate. Asparagus also contains significant amounts of the nutrient inulin, which is referred to as a “prebiotic.” Inulin bypasses the first segments of digestion and arrives at the large intestine undigested. Because of this, it is an ideal food source for certain kinds of “good” bacteria in our intestines that are associated with better nutrient absorption. So go out and grab a bunch while it is fresh and in season. Two of my favorite ways to cook it is: Roasted with olive oil, garlic and herbs on a pizza pan in a 400 degree oven until brown or Sauteed in a pan with garlic and when browned add some balsamic...yum and so quick. I must admit I will easily polish off a bunch on the way home from the store! Don't forget to make it organic and local if you can! Check the first in a regular series of Friday Food Tips to help you pick out healthy food when you go grocery shopping!
Enjoy Click the link below! Friday Food Tip Power Up For Success!
This newsletter is about having the sustainable energy everyday to achieve your business and personal goals. We all experience fatigue occasionally but if you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, need coffee to get started and keep going throughout the day, find yourself craving sweets all day long then you will benefit from this newsletter and working with a health coach. In this bi-weekly newsletter I will offer simple strategies that will increase your energy level and improve your health. Many tips will seem ridiculously obvious but if you are not following them then they need repeating. So I am going super easy on you now. It is the first issue for goodness sake! Water! 60-70% of your body is made up of water. If you are not hydrated you are tired, have brain fog, you're slow, moody, confused, are stiff, achy and hungry. Yep I am telling you, increase your water intake by one, yes just one 16oz bottle of water a day for a few days. Once you have that down, add another one. At this point you will feel a difference. Set a goal that you will drink two bottles before lunch, two bottles after lunch and one after dinner. Not only will you feel better, be more mentally sharp, your skin will look younger, you'll begin to lose weight and your digestion will be more efficient. Simple changes repeated over long periods of time create long-lasting results. Aristotle once wrote "We are what we repeatedly do." Start a habit today that will dramatically change your life. Drink water! (Think water is boring? Add lemon, lime, strawberries, blueberries or raspberries. I had one client that loved cucumber slices in her water) Your good health is important to me….You Deserve to be Healthy! You know, I am like everyone else. I am long on "to do's' and short on time! There's my business, volunteer work, my husband's two rental properties in New York that need constant attention, tax prep for family members and a few friends, my Mom's 79th birthday, my son and his girlfriend are here for a visit,the FAFSA forms that are due soon and my old Shepard Dog is having trouble going up and down the stairs. Pant pant! I love a lot of action but it can take its toll on eating healthy! Even though I spend almost all of my time helping busy woman find food that they will love to eat and that promotes good health, frequently I arrive at lunch or dinner and have no time to create what I planned for us to eat. Go figure! So this issue is dedicated to all of you out there that want easy, fast, yummy, healthy food. Recipes and pictures are included: Enjoy! Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings Every time I make these I am amazed at how easy and delicious these little wings are. They do take a while to bake so go take a bubble bath while you wait! Ingredients: Don't blink or you will miss them 8-) Organic chicken wings - as many as you can eat (oh and I guess you have to figure in the rest of the family) We do about a pound per person, but we like to eat! Olive Oil Lemon Pepper (I love Penzeys) Preheat the oven to 325 Put olive oil on a cookie sheet. Put chicken wings on the sheet and toss with olive oil. Make sure they are in a single layer. Generously cover with lemon pepper. Bake until gooey and crispy. Watch to make sure that they do not dry out! Usually about 1 1/2 hours. Noisy eating is encouraged! Home-Made Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries Who doesn't love french fries? Who wants all that grease, salt and calories? Sweet potatoes are packed with nutrients and are super cancer fighters because they are packed with beta carotene. Preheat oven to 425. Cover a cookie sheet or pizza pan with parchment paper. Ingredients: Here's another long list! Sweet potatoes - 1 per person Olive oil Coarse Sea Salt Rosemary Garlic Powder Cut sweet potato into lengthwise disks Cut discs into strips. Place in a large bowl. Sprinkle with olive oil and spices. Toss! Lay out in a single layer on the baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes on one side, flip fries and bake for another 15. They will get crisp! We eat with either apple cider vinegar, Annie's or Organicville's BBQ sauce or organic ketchup! Sassy Soba Noodles Wow I made this the other night in about 8 minutes. Ingredients: 1 lb package of Soba noodles 1/2 c Hazelnuts 4 Nori Sheets 2 T Toasted Sesame Oil 2 t agave 2 T sesame seeds I added steamed broccoli but you can add any veggie, cooked shrimp or chicken. Okay here goes. Cook the noodles according to the directions. While that is happening, throw everything else in the food processor - except the veggies or protein that you are going to add - and pulse until chopped but not pureed. Hold on - here is the tricky part.......drain the noodles and rinse with water. Pour back into the pot and add hazelnut mixture, veggies and meat if using and toss. This smells so good that you will be eating it out of the pot! We polished this off in about 5 minutes. Add a salad and you have super quick and delicious meal! It may be over so fast you forget that you ate dinner. Tortellini Soup Okay this is a real recipe - those last three were cheating! Ingredients: 2 T olive oil 2 oz of organic, nitrate and hormone free bacon 3 cloves of garlic, minced 1 medium onion, finely chopped 9 cups of chicken broth 2 t of Italian herbs 16 oz of spinach or cheese tortellini 1 28 oz can of tomatoes packed in puree 10 oz or about three huge handfuls of fresh spinach salt and pepper to taste 1 cup of fresh Parmesan cheese (I pass on cheese but is makes it yummy that is for sure) Heat olive oil in a pan. Add onions, bacon and garlic, saute. Add chicken broth and herbs. Bring to a boil and add tortellini. Simmer uncovered until cooked - 10-12 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add spinach and cook until wilted. Season to taste. Ladle into bowl and sprinkle with cheese. If you decide to save the leftovers don't be surprised that the tortellinis expand and become small couch pillows! 8-) Sara Leah Chase's Cold Weather Cooking (This is one of those cookbooks that no longer has a functioning binding, I have used it that much!) Add a salad to any one of these quickies (except the fries) and you have a delicious meal. Enjoy! Have a great week and remember....... You Deserve to be Healthy! Do you think the other veggies know that they can't even begin to compare in nutritional value to leafy greens? Do they lay awake at night in their little garden plots knowing that the neighboring kale is full of calcium that parsley is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can get and that arugula is one of the most nutritious salad greens? I think they know.
So why is it that when I speak to groups about greens, most people only eat iceberg lettuce. Jeeze! Here's what you have to know about the most under eaten but most important part of a healthy diet.... Greens help build your internal rainforest and strengthen the blood and respiratory system. Green is associated with spring, the time of renewal, refreshment and vital energy. In Asian medicine, greens are related to the liver, emotional stability and creativity. Nutritionally, greens are very high in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. They are crammed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll and many other micronutrients and phytochemicals. Whenever possible, choose organic. But eating non-organic greens is much better than not eating any greens at all! Some of the benefits of eating dark leafy greens are: - Blood purification - Cancer prevention - Improved circulation - Strengthened immune system - Promotion of healthy intestinal flora - Promotion of subtle, light and flexible energy - Lifted spirit and elimination of depression - Improved liver, gall bladder and kidney function - Cleared congestion, especially in lungs by reducing mucus There are so many greens to choose from. Find greens that you love and eat them often. When you get bored with your favorites, be adventurous and try greens that you’ve never heard of before. Broccoli is very popular among adults and children. Each stem is like a tree trunk, giving you strong, grounding energy. Rotate between bok choy, napa cabbage, kale, collards, watercress, mustard greens, broccoli rabe, dandelion and other leafy greens. Green cabbage is great cooked or raw, or in the form of sauerkraut. Arugula, endive, chicory, lettuce, mesclun and wild greens are generally eaten raw, but can be consumed in any creative way you enjoy. Spinach, Swiss chard and beet greens are best eaten in moderation because they are high in oxalic acid, which depletes calcium from bones and teeth, and may lead to osteoporosis. Cook these vegetables with something rich like tofu, seeds, nuts, beans, butter, animal products or oil. This will help balance the effect of the oxalic acid. I recommend to all my clients to eat a salad for lunch everyday. Add some protein, top with tons of your favorite veggies, squirt on some apple cider vinegar and flaxseed oil and you are sure to be more alert in the afternoon, slimmer in no time flat and have a digestion that runs well. All this from some leafy greens! It couldn't be any easier! You deserve to be Healthy! Each of us is a science experiment. We are all unique and are affected in different ways by all the things that we eat and do. Some people can eat junk food and it never seems to affect them. Some never exercise but they appear to be in good shape. For most of us, what we eat matters. When we really start to pay attention we realize that the connection between what we eat and how we feel, look, and think is huge. Do you feel groggy and lazy after lunch? Do you snap or feel irritable with your coworkers or family when you haven’t eaten in a while?
Food changes your mood. Look at caffeine and alcohol. They are the ultimate mood changers. The typical person eats a diet that is high in sugar and processed food and that leaves them in a bad mood. Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure states that “junk moods come from junk foods”. All those foods that are so easily accessible – french fries, chips, candy bars and ice cream are loaded with salt and sugar and preservatives. Some can make you feel high for a while, but then you drop like a brick as your blood sugar plummets. Ever notice how you crave different foods at different times? When we are down, we sooth ourselves with a bowl of chicken soup – comfort food. We crave protein when we are looking to be focused. We crave food that enhances romance, like spicy food, avocados, chocolate, and chilies when we are on a date. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers that relay thoughts and actions to the brain. Serotonin can make us feel relaxed. Dopamine makes us feel stimulated. When we eat, food breaks down in our digestive track and creates changes in our system that send messages to our brain via these neurotransmitters. Pasta releases serotonin and thus we feel relaxed after a spaghetti dinner. Eat too much pasta and chances are you will be dozing on the couch. Eating protein releases dopamine and nor-epinephrine in the brain and helps us to be alert. Too much protein and we get short tempered and irritable. When you eat fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains throughout the day, you keep your body fueled and your blood sugar level on an even keel. You also are getting vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Combining carbohydrates and proteins enhances the availability of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter said to have a calming effect and to play a role in sleep. So if you're wondering just how food affects you, keep a food journal for a week or two. Write down what you eat, how you feel, your stress level and how your body feels after the meal. This is the first step that I take with each of my clients. It is very illuminating for them to see, what they are eating and how it affects their everyday lives. Once you see what you normally eat and how it affects you then, start to add in foods that will give you more energy, help you to lose weight, and look better. This will keep your moods on an even keel and keep you alert and awake throughout the day. So what can you do to boost your mood? Exercise. You don't have to sweat it out at the gym to make a difference. Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Get organized! Sometimes clutter can make one feel overwhelmed and mildly depressed. Getting things in place can ease your mind and bring a smile to your face too! Laugh . The simple act of laughter releases endorphins and is shown to improve your mood. Even smiling will have that effect. Listen to music . Put on your favorite tunes and rock the blues away. Perhaps you enjoy soothing classical music. Dance around if you can. Set small, achievable goals . Oftentimes, if our busy lives are broken down into more manageable tasks, we can feel happiness at minor accomplishments. Volunteer . You may think that you do not have time in your busy life, but I'll bet you can find 2-3 hours a month to make a big difference in a few peoples' lives. That is a sure-fire way to feel great! So what’s up will all the juicing you hear about these days?
Juice bars are springing up everywhere. You see health food stores offering juice fasting programs and you have to wonder what that is all about. So here’s the scoop! At a time when so many people are obsessed with supplements – juicing is the most complete and natural form of supplementation around. All the nutrients that a body needs are present in balanced quantities in fresh fruits and vegetables. They are best utilized by your body in their whole form not in separate supplement form. Juices supply us with the vital building blocks for cell regeneration, in this way are true longevity food. Juices tend to satisfy our thirst and therefore we tend not to reach for other less nutritious foods. They are the only beverage the supplies us with real, vital energy . Take a look at Joel Fuhrman’s Green Longevity Drink listed in the recipe section below. My husband and I drink one of these each morning and have done so for the last 21 months. It is filling, satisfying and let me tell you, keep you as regular as anything out there. Imagine chopping all those ingredients and putting them into a bowl and trying to eat them. It would take a lot of time and a heck of a lot of chewing. By juicing them your are extracting their organic water, chlorophyll and enzymes from heaping mounds of fruits and veggies without using any digestive energy.. Enzymes in fresh fruits and vegetables have the vital role of converting food into body tissue and energy. Enzymes are also involved in metabolism, so one of the more valuable health benefits of juicing is that it can increase metabolic rate. Juicing also ensures that the body is getting sufficient amounts of phytochemicals, substances in plants that are considered among the most powerful ways to combat disease. While most people do not eat enough raw fruits and vegetables to obtain the amount of phytochemicals that would make a difference, it is relatively easy to drink enough juice to obtain sufficient amounts of these powerful nutrients. In addition, antioxidants and other immune boosting nutrients are concentrated in juices. Juicing can therefore help to accelerate recovery from illness. In fact, juicing with specific combinations of fruits or vegetables can target particular conditions and improve or alleviate symptoms. A juicer separates the fiber of the vegetables, leaving you with only the pure organic water from the fruits and vegetables. The reason that this is important is that your body is able to digest more organic water without expending any energy or getting full on fiber. The enzymes go right to the cellular level to do their work. Remember, when enzymes can go straight into the cells they can go to work cleaning out the toxins that make your leaner and healthier. So what about those bottle juices? They appear to be fresh but they are not. They have been pasteurized, which kills the live enzymes. Bottle juices don’t count as green juices and should be avoided. So how about those juice bars? It is a good place to get fresh juice but don’t assume that anything you get there is good for you. Many of those chain stores are a made of blended juices with frozen, sugary fruit soy or frozen yogurt. This is distinctly different from what we are talking about as healthy. These are filled with sugar and tons of calories and contain little nutrients. So what about those green powders? They are not the same as green juice. They are lacking in organic hydration. They are better than nothing but real fruits and veggies are the key. When buying a juicer, look for one that extracts the pulp. Breville makes a great juicer. So whether you are going to start juicing at home or know of a store that you can obtain fresh organic juice, juicing fruits and vegetables is a great way to improve your health. You deserve to be Healthy! If you want to watch a great film about juicing and how dramatically it can effect your health check out: Fat Sick and Nearly Dead | a Joe Cross Film |
AuthorI am a digestive health coach. I help my clients have more energy and a eliminate digestive problems by eating food they love! Archives
September 2013