I recently took a survey on what made me happy.
What was I doing when I was the most happy? The exercise started with: remember a time when you were happy, what were you doing? Everyone of those questions led me to food...well not just food but eating a meal with others. Oh and good food. Connections are made over food. We go to networking lunches, sit down on holidays for family dinners and who can forget the romantic candle light dinner with a loved one. Gathering around the table, with everyone excitedly talking about their day, their hopes for the future and the food.... I just don't feel the same about yakking in a car, or over the phone, or while hanging at a Starbucks...it's just too boring and empty. I want to plate some food! We raised our boys with family meals....very rarely did we eat on the run, even when they were in high school and had schedules jammed packed with stuff. I loved those meals, even though the food, in retrospect was at times not as healthy as I wish it had been. I love to go out to dinner with my sons and their girlfriends and sit around the table and talk. When we go into the city, our day is always planned around where we are going to eat. Without that special meal, I feel like the trip was just not as special. We plan our visits and look to find healthy food that is served in a interesting atmosphere. In 2004, less than 28% of the families out there ate dinner together. If not at dinner, when do you talk? How do you find out about how your kid's school day is going? The latest love interest? The school gossip? Let alone talk about current events? Decide family vacations? My biggest joy is to make food for people that they will enjoy, that will enhance their health and feelings of wellbeing and to sit around a table and talk...... You Deserve to be Healthy!
I'm sure you've heard of it but do you know what it really is and how it can affect your health?
Candida is becoming a major disease and an underlying factor in many other diseases. Candida yeast is a type of fungus, that is not beneficial to your body. It exists everywhere and we come in contact with it throughout our day in what we touch, eat and breath. It is not a problem unless you experience an over-growth, then it interferes with the balance of the body. This over-growth then leads to all kinds of health concerns. Many think that this only affects women but not true. Men, women and children are affected alike. As many as 90% suffer from this flora in-balance. This imbalance can be seen in tons of common health issues like: allergies, asthma, bloating, coughs, cramps, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, trouble concentrating, diarrhea, constipation, acne, hives, poor memory, sinus issues, poor sleeping patterns, puffiness, sore throat and weight-gain. This list is just a small percentage of how we are affected by Candida. Most Candida issues can be remedied in about 2 months, unless there is another underlying issue. If you suspect that you have a Candida issue do your research or hire someone to help you change your diet and lifestyle. One of the biggest issues is the consumption of sugar and processed white flour products. This type of diet feeds the Candida which makes the whole situation worse. Candida yeast will actually send off chemicals that will create cravings for the sweet sugary foods that it needs to thrive. A Candida reducing diet will include eliminating sugar and processed foods, reducing the consumption of raw fruit and consuming probiotics, beneficial herbs and fiber. So take back your health and eliminate Candida in your digestive tract. Creating a healthy flora balance in your body is the key to good health. You Deserve to be Healthy! Cancer patients face a myriad of difficulties that range from large, such as undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, to small, such as the fact that food often tastes different during and even after cancer treatment. However, even smaller issues can take on greater importance, as an OncoLog article points out that cancer patients who lose just 5 percent or more in body weight may have a harder time tolerating chemotherapy and have higher mortality rates.
Nutrition Issues Cancer patients often experience symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, sore mouth and/or throat and dry mouth during treatment. In addition, the emotional effects of having cancer and the stress of having to deal with treatment and fears and anxiety that are associated with cancer can cause patients to lose their appetite or have regular nausea or vomiting. Because of these issues, many cancer patients need a specific nutrition plan to help them maintain a healthy weight and nutrition level despite not feeling well or hungry. Nutrition Plan If you or your loved one has a cancer diagnosis, such as having been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is a good idea to design a nutrition meal plan for before, during and after treatment. Many patients do not have the energy to go to the store or make meals during treatment or when they do not feel well, so loved ones may want to go for them or cancer patients may want to go to the store and prepare some meals on days when they feel better to have items on hand later on. Examples of some nutritious, healthy food that should appeal to cancer patients and be gentle on their bodies include the following: - Clear broth soups with pasta, such as noodles or stars - Fruit juice, milk, tea, water, electrolyte-rebalancing sports drinks - Avocados - Mild cheeses, such as American, cream cheese, or cottage cheese - Scrambled eggs - Baked chicken - Pasta - Whole wheat bread for turkey sandwiches or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and peanut butter toast - Mashed potatoes - Crackers - Well-steamed vegetables that are tender and soft - Rice - Tortillas - Enriched cereals, both hot and cold - Bananas - Applesauce - Fruit sherbet - Greek yogurt - Canned fruit - Corn (off the cob) - Protein snack bars - Tuna fish sandwiches - Fruit and yogurt smoothies - Pita bread and hummus If you are looking for ways to add protein to the diet, considering making tuna or turkey melts with cheese and add grated cheese to soup, mashed potatoes, rice or pasta. Also, try making yogurt drinks and smoothies with some protein powder mixed in. Adding calories to someone with an upset stomach or poor appetite can be difficult, so appeal to the specific cravings of the cancer patient and add calories to meals and treats. For example, offer granola, which is high in fat and calories, for breakfast or add to yogurt for a snack. Try dried fruit as a snack or a treat. Get Help Speak with your doctor for additional nutritional tips and to find out what areas of the meal plan needs additional focus, such as adding protein or calories. Remember that a healthy, nutritious diet will help the patient feel better with more energy and experience an improved quality of life. Spending the time and energy to create a workable meal plan is always worthwhile. About Jillian McKee Bringing a wealth of personal and professional experience to the organization, Jillian McKee has worked as the Complementary Medicine Advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance since June of 2009. Jillian spends most her time on outreach efforts and spreading information about the integration of complementary and alternative medicine when used in conjunction with traditional cancer treatment. Read more: http://www.mesothelioma.com/blog/authors/jillian/ I read a lot!
Anything that has to do with food, farming and good health. The book The Jungle Effect has been recommended to me over and over and finally I had the opportunity to read it. Wow! Seems that there are "cold spots" all over the world where certain diseases are virtually non-existent. The inhabitants from these areas only retain their disease-free status when they eat the indigenous food. If they move elsewhere and adopt a more modern diet the incidents of the disease rises to the level of modern times. The factor making the area disease-free is the food not genetics. Each disease has a different "cold spot". There is Okinawa, Japan for breast and prostate cancer. Cameroon, West Africa for bowel issues. Iceland for depression. Crete, Greece for heart disease. This is just to name a few! This book tells stories of patients that have come to see the author, who is an MD, either because they are showing signs of a certain disease or they wish to avoid the disease. With a lot of research and travel to these cold spots the author really delves into the native foods and dishes and finds the scientific reason for the health benefits. This book is fascinating and affirms that what you eat has a huge impact on disease. Check it out and get cooking. Pick the health concern that is most importnat to you and look at the cold spot and the foods eaten there. Gatta go chop some veggies! The Jungle Effect on Amazon! ![]() Spring is the time for all those cleansing veggies. After a long winter of heavy warming foods our bodies welcome the spring vegetables and their ability to lighten us up for the hot summer months to come. One of my favorite vegetables is Asparagus. This spring power-house is not only full of folic acid but is a super digestive support food. Folic acid is one of the B vitamins that helps the body produce and maintain new cells. In particular, red blood cell formation is dependent on adequate levels of this vitamin. It may also help cells resist changes in their DNA associated with the development of cancer. Folic acid plays a very important role in pregnancy by significantly reducing the incidence of birth defects known as neural tube defects (malformations of the spine and brain). Asparagus is also high in fiber and protein. Fiber helps everything move on through the system at a healthy rate. Asparagus also contains significant amounts of the nutrient inulin, which is referred to as a “prebiotic.” Inulin bypasses the first segments of digestion and arrives at the large intestine undigested. Because of this, it is an ideal food source for certain kinds of “good” bacteria in our intestines that are associated with better nutrient absorption. So go out and grab a bunch while it is fresh and in season. Two of my favorite ways to cook it is: Roasted with olive oil, garlic and herbs on a pizza pan in a 400 degree oven until brown or Sauteed in a pan with garlic and when browned add some balsamic...yum and so quick. I must admit I will easily polish off a bunch on the way home from the store! Don't forget to make it organic and local if you can! I don't know what I would do without my friends. My Gluten-Free Club is filled with videos from my expert business gal friends. They are generous with information, warm with feeling and filled with laughter.
I recently filmed a segment with Scarlett. She is an image consultant and a wardrobe stylist. She has a successful business and is loving every moment of it. When I asked her if she would do a video with me that would play as a lifestyle issue for my members about some simple fashion ideas she easily said yes. that's Scarlett, always ready to help you. Always with a bright smile and a exuberant personality. I am amazed and at her generosity. I grew up with guys, had jobs that mainly employed guys and most of my friends in the first 45 year of my life have been guys. Wow was I missing out. I now have some of the best friends of my life and they are all women. Smart, fun and caring business women. There is just something about the way we can all relate. We are willing to jump in and help without any ego. That alone makes me proud to be a woman. I have really dedicated my business to helping women get healthy. I address the problems that are unique to our gender and do so in a manner that is conversational and supportive. It has been an honor to know some of my clients. Go Woman Power! Do you or someone that you know suffer from constipation, gas, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps acid reflux or indigestion?
Maybe they have migraines, skin rashes, brain fog or sleep issues. The only way to have permanent positive digestive health and eliminate all the symptoms that you are having is to change your diet and lifestyle. This four week digestive health telecoaching program will: *Help you to determine what is causing your digestive unhealthiness *Give you the knowledge you need to permanently change your health and your life *Offer simple doable steps that will have you on the road to good health in less than 4 weeks. *Includes: private health consultation and 2 private food journal reviews! *Include program workbook with information and delicious recipes! Nothing else will solve the issue: not medicine and definitely not ignoring the problem. You need to take action! I had digestive issues for 48 years and my proven step by step process has changed not only my health but that of my clients. It's easy, logical and it works! Act now: Space is limited to 10 spots! Program runs four Thursday nights in October, starting October 6th All from your own home! The cost of the program is $147 - That is less than $30 a session and includes 2 food journal reviews and recommendations and workbook! Change your health by clicking here and getting registered. Deadline is September 28,2011! You deserve to be Healthy! CONTACT ME AT 203-210-7462 [email protected] www.MindyKannon.com Follow us on Twitter Like us on Face book! So I get asked all the time why women? Why digestion?
I grew up with three brothers, always held jobs where my boss and co-workers were men. Men are easy. They are fun, don't hold grudges and pretty reasonable. So why women? Working with women has a complexity that I adore. They tend to have issues that are not commonly seen with men. They are emotional, deep and want to be heard. When empowered to demand good health and given the knowledge and the support they need they excel in a way that is really exciting to see. There is a camaraderie that I can't find in men. Maybe because I am a woman. We have a universal experience that we share with all the women that came before us. We are giving and nurturing and need someone to affirm that our health holds an importance that our busy life seems to ignore. We need an advocate that gives us permission to put our health at the forefront of our priorities. A healthy digestion is a key to good health. Without the ability to absorb nutrients efficiently and eliminate waste and toxin we function at a diminished capacity reducing our potential to achieve are life passions and goals. I love to help women customized food and lifestyle choices that support their need to address their digestive issues in a natural and permanent way. My mission is to show women that conventional medicine does not always hold the most affective and natural remedy for their digestive issues. The body will heal itself if given the right conditions. I am here to support my clients to create those conditions. Let me know if I can help you. You deserve to be Healthy! Magnesium
In a perfect world, we would get all the vitamins and minerals we need from the food we eat. Well this isn't a perfect world and much of what we eat is nutrient deficient. I rarely recommend supplements to my clients though I feel very strongly about a few. Magnesium is one I whole-heartedly advise my clients to take. Having had constipation issues for most of my life, I set out on a journey to find just the right combination of foods, exercise, fluid in-take and supplements that would get and keep me regular. Magnesium is a huge component in that formula. Besides supporting the elimination phase of digestion magnesium does a ton of other important things to keep you healthy. The vast majority of adults are magnesium deficient. Here's why. Processed foods lack magnesium! Processing and cooking foods depletes many needed nutrients. You need a certain amount of stomach acid to absorb calcium and magnesium. Certain conditions as well as antacids deplete your stomach acids. Some foods are high in oxalic and phytic acid and block the absorption of magnesium. Junk food is lacking in magnesium. Food is grown in magnesium deficient soil. Many prescription drugs cause a magnesium deficiency. Here's what to do - Eat a portion of your vegetables raw. If cooking - steam quickly so they are still crispy. Avoid eating Swiss chard, soy beans, and spinach on a regular basis as they contain oxalic acid that inhibits absorption of some key vitamins and minerals. Avoid junk food. Support organic farming. They understand the importance of the health of the soil and so their vegetables are more rich in nutrients. Eat whole, organic fruits, vegetables and clean protein. Supplement your diet with magnesium. The power of Magnesium.... (and these are just a few...) Helps with anxiety, depression, adrenal health and serotonin production. Improve or eliminate muscle pain. Protects against the toxic effects of chemicals such as food additives. Is a blood thinner keeping things flowing and preventing vessel spasms. Relaxes head and neck muscles that make migraines worse. Helps to prevent muscle spasms of the heart blood vessels thus preventing heart attacks. Reduces calcium build-up in arteries. Increases bowel function which reduces toxicity and increases the efficiency of the absorption of nutrients. As with any supplements it is important to do your research into how they will interact with the medications you are taking as well how this supplement will effect other conditions that you may have. For more information check out The Miracle of Magnesium by Carolyn Dean. This supplement has made a huge difference in my digestive health. You deserve to be Healthy! |
AuthorI am a digestive health coach. I help my clients have more energy and a eliminate digestive problems by eating food they love! Archives
September 2013