I recently took a survey on what made me happy.
What was I doing when I was the most happy? The exercise started with: remember a time when you were happy, what were you doing? Everyone of those questions led me to food...well not just food but eating a meal with others. Oh and good food. Connections are made over food. We go to networking lunches, sit down on holidays for family dinners and who can forget the romantic candle light dinner with a loved one. Gathering around the table, with everyone excitedly talking about their day, their hopes for the future and the food.... I just don't feel the same about yakking in a car, or over the phone, or while hanging at a Starbucks...it's just too boring and empty. I want to plate some food! We raised our boys with family meals....very rarely did we eat on the run, even when they were in high school and had schedules jammed packed with stuff. I loved those meals, even though the food, in retrospect was at times not as healthy as I wish it had been. I love to go out to dinner with my sons and their girlfriends and sit around the table and talk. When we go into the city, our day is always planned around where we are going to eat. Without that special meal, I feel like the trip was just not as special. We plan our visits and look to find healthy food that is served in a interesting atmosphere. In 2004, less than 28% of the families out there ate dinner together. If not at dinner, when do you talk? How do you find out about how your kid's school day is going? The latest love interest? The school gossip? Let alone talk about current events? Decide family vacations? My biggest joy is to make food for people that they will enjoy, that will enhance their health and feelings of wellbeing and to sit around a table and talk...... You Deserve to be Healthy!
I'm sure you've heard of it but do you know what it really is and how it can affect your health?
Candida is becoming a major disease and an underlying factor in many other diseases. Candida yeast is a type of fungus, that is not beneficial to your body. It exists everywhere and we come in contact with it throughout our day in what we touch, eat and breath. It is not a problem unless you experience an over-growth, then it interferes with the balance of the body. This over-growth then leads to all kinds of health concerns. Many think that this only affects women but not true. Men, women and children are affected alike. As many as 90% suffer from this flora in-balance. This imbalance can be seen in tons of common health issues like: allergies, asthma, bloating, coughs, cramps, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, trouble concentrating, diarrhea, constipation, acne, hives, poor memory, sinus issues, poor sleeping patterns, puffiness, sore throat and weight-gain. This list is just a small percentage of how we are affected by Candida. Most Candida issues can be remedied in about 2 months, unless there is another underlying issue. If you suspect that you have a Candida issue do your research or hire someone to help you change your diet and lifestyle. One of the biggest issues is the consumption of sugar and processed white flour products. This type of diet feeds the Candida which makes the whole situation worse. Candida yeast will actually send off chemicals that will create cravings for the sweet sugary foods that it needs to thrive. A Candida reducing diet will include eliminating sugar and processed foods, reducing the consumption of raw fruit and consuming probiotics, beneficial herbs and fiber. So take back your health and eliminate Candida in your digestive tract. Creating a healthy flora balance in your body is the key to good health. You Deserve to be Healthy! I have a great memory. When it comes to a "to do" list or "to buy" list I can pretty much wing it! Pretty much! I am not going to lie here, I have gotten into the car after a marathon shop, waiting in line and checking out and found....I forgot the asparagus and I was making asparagus soup for dinner. Hello! Bad language is followed by getting back out of the car and going back into the store. Grrrr! Who has got the time for such nonsense? What a waste of time, not to mention a waste of money as I always find a few more yummy thing I just have to have! So I make a list. Actually I have a list of all the common ingredients I use in my meal preparation, on my ipad and my computer. As I am creating the menus for the week, I check off the stuff that I need to get. Easy! It also helps with a impromptu inventory of what I already have. No more, "yes dear I bought more avocados and we have 4 rotting in the fridge, ouch." They say that for every minute you spend in a grocery store over 30 minutes, you will spend at least $1 per minute. Get out fast! Wonder why they rearrange the store so frequently? It keep you running around in circles looking for the food on your list but passing all kinds of alluring treats. Marion Nestle has written a great book titled " What to Eat" that has a whole section on the psychology used by food stores to get us to buy more food. They are just so tricky. Really interesting and lets you see through the "matrix"! So do a little list building of your own. Once you have the basics down you can add new stuff as you start to add to your diet. Having a list will help you to speed through through the store, save you from buying impulse items, have the food to create complete healthy meals and avoid the need to grab something yucky because there isn't anything in the house to eat. Let me know how you do. I don't know what I would do without my friends. My Gluten-Free Club is filled with videos from my expert business gal friends. They are generous with information, warm with feeling and filled with laughter.
I recently filmed a segment with Scarlett. She is an image consultant and a wardrobe stylist. She has a successful business and is loving every moment of it. When I asked her if she would do a video with me that would play as a lifestyle issue for my members about some simple fashion ideas she easily said yes. that's Scarlett, always ready to help you. Always with a bright smile and a exuberant personality. I am amazed and at her generosity. I grew up with guys, had jobs that mainly employed guys and most of my friends in the first 45 year of my life have been guys. Wow was I missing out. I now have some of the best friends of my life and they are all women. Smart, fun and caring business women. There is just something about the way we can all relate. We are willing to jump in and help without any ego. That alone makes me proud to be a woman. I have really dedicated my business to helping women get healthy. I address the problems that are unique to our gender and do so in a manner that is conversational and supportive. It has been an honor to know some of my clients. Go Woman Power! |
AuthorI am a digestive health coach. I help my clients have more energy and a eliminate digestive problems by eating food they love! Archives
September 2013